Tinnitus Support Groups
Executive summery About Tinnitus Support by John Currie
Many people have found the road to helping themselves lies in helping others. This is very true in the case of tinnitus. Sometimes a person just needs to know that they are not alone and that there is someone else out there who knows that they are going through.
In fact, this is so important that it is often the first step for treatment for many people. Some people never knew treatment options existed until meeting someone else who has been there. So many people give up hope, thinking that they will just have to learn to live with their condition. Others have been told this by their doctors.
Some tinnitus sufferers have been pushed to the brink of suicide and others have been abandoned by their friends and family who didn't know how to deal with their condition. Some people try to self-medicate with drugs and alcohol which leads to more problems.
However, all across the world, tinnitus sufferers and their friends and families are coming together to help one another. These people are forming support groups, both in their communities and online, to reach out to other people with tinnitus and show them that they are not alone and that help does exist.
Sometimes you have to experience something for yourself before you can ever truly understand what a person is going through. Sometimes you need the help or advice from someone who's been there before you. Sometimes you just need a shoulder to lean on for moral support.
These are all the things that a great tinnitus support group can give you and as the knowledge about tinnitus increases, so do the numbers of support groups we see appearing. This is a great milestone in the field of tinnitus recovery because people are learning to find hope again. The word is spreading that there are other options than just living with your tinnitus as it is.
If you'd like to participate in a support group as a mentor or someone who has overcome their problem with tinnitus, you can be motivation to someone else just learning that help exists. If you've just been diagnosed with tinnitus or just learned that you're not alone, these tinnitus support groups are a great place for you to come for a helping hand and an understanding ear to listen to your fears.
If you don't get out much or fear you won't have the time to visit a support group, that's okay as well because there are even online tinnitus support groups so people from all over the world can come together with a shared cause.
If you'd like to know more about forming a tinnitus support group in your community contact the American Tinnitus Association at 1-800-634-8978. If you live outside of the US , look for the contact information for your national tinnitus foundation. This could be one of the best things you ever do for yourself.
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