How a Hearing Test Is Performed
Executive summery about hearing test by Simon M Baker
The RNID (Royal National Institute for Deaf People) offer free hearing test both online and on telephone. There are several other private organizations and non-profit organizations offering free hearing test. Both of these tests will take around 5 minutes to perform and help you determine the hearing loss levels that you're suffering from.Note that both of these tests will not replace the audiometric tests performed by the audiologist.
Depending on your response, your hearing ability will be determined. The test can be completed in five minutes. You need loud speakers and take this test sitting in a silent room. Repeating the test may give you a different result if you take it under varied background noise levels.
In telephone free hearing test also you will hear a short speech in English and you need to repeat it back. The test can be completed in five minutes. Telephonic test normally covers one ear. You need to repeat it again to test the other ear. Though these tests are free, your telephone company might charge you at normal call rates. Around 500,000 people have taken online free hearing test from RNID alone. Another 500,000 people have taken the free hearing test through telephone. Some stores and medical centers also offer free hearing test.
When you get the hearing test done privately the charges start from £25. However, when you take free hearing test, you may not be given the audiogram at some places. The free hearing test will be usually organized by the hearing aids manufacturers or stores or medical centers to promote their hearing aids. If you are already wearing any hearing aids, you should visit the test center wearing them.
What to Expect From a Professional Hearing Test
Executive summery about hearing test by Mila M Mo
Tympanometry tests involve movement related to eardrum. In this painless test, a tool will change the air pressure in the interior of your ear and if any particular medical issues, such as an ear infection or a log jam of your Eustachian tube, should to be taken into consideration.
Then you should expect whether you will be placed in a soundproof room and provided headphones through which the administrator will talk to you or play sounds. You will then be entertained with a series of hearing tests through these headphones, including:
• a speech reception threshold test (SRT),
• a most comfortable listening level test (MCL)
• a pure-tone test,
• an uncomfortable loudness level test (UCL),
• A word recognition test, also called a speech discrimination test.
• a most comfortable listening level test (MCL)
• a pure-tone test,
• an uncomfortable loudness level test (UCL),
• A word recognition test, also called a speech discrimination test.
Once your examinations are done, the results should be on hand straight away, and the administrator should talk about them with you and put them into the perspective of your everyday life. The hearing tests will let you know if your hearing loss is:
• sensory neural (relating to the inner ear hair cells and nerves), or
• conductive (relating to the outer and/or middle ear),
• A combination of the two.
• conductive (relating to the outer and/or middle ear),
• A combination of the two.
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