Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Stop Ringing in Ears

How To Stop Ringing In Ears Naturally

This is a very frustrating and equally painful form of sickness. Known as Tinnitus, the patient has to deal with constant sounds, buzzing noise or hissing noise in their ear for as long as 10 minutes.

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The time period mentioned here can prolong and can cause a lot of agony to the patient.
The worst part about suffering from Tinnitus is that there is no proper or confirmed forms of medication available that can help patients get rid of this sickness completely.
But this doesn't mean that if you are suffering from tinnitus, you have to go through this misery forever.
How To Stop Ringing In Your Ears
There are two ways that can really help you in getting rid of this ear problem.
The first one is by incorporating certain changes in the diet regime of patients. If you are having too much of saturated foods, sugar or tea then your problem will only aggravate more and you continue facing this misery.
It would be best if you completely give up on alcohol and smoking. Getting rid of Tea, coffee would also help a lot on treating constant ringing in your ears.
The other way that can help patients of Tinnitus conquer their problem is by resorting to Homeopathy.
What is wonderful about this form of medicine is that it deals with the root cause of tinnitus and hence is considered to be so potent in the treatment of Tinnitus.
Most tinnitus medication today only addresses the symptoms and there can be side effects if you take these medication for long term.

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Our lack of ignorance about this form of sickness and consequently our ignorance on what causes it makes it so dangerous.
As you would have rightly guessed by now that over-exposure to excessive noise is also another reason for falling prey to this dangerous and extremely painful from of sickness.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Tinnitus Treatments

Tinnitus Treatment - Top Ten Tinnitus Treatments

If you suffer from a Tinnitus, then you know that finding an effective Tinnitus treatment would be tantamount to finding a pot of gold. The condition can bring you to the point where seemingly all you want out of life itself is a few shining moments of blissful, peaceful silence.
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The one problem? It seems most Tinnitus treatments are pretty hit and miss. Of course, every person's body is different, so all treatments are going to have a certain element of "your mileage may vary" built into them. However, each of the top ten treatments do have their group of supporters who say that it was this method that was able to finally give them that blessed silence.
Let's take a look at what the top ten treatments for Tinnitus are:
1) White Noise - In some peoples' experience, white noise can block out the ringing effects of tinnitus, effectively canceling it out, so to speak. The problem with this approach is that, even if it works as promised, it's a logistical impossibility to feed white noise into your consciousness 24 hours a day.
2) Homeopathic Remedies - There are a variety of organic, or homeopathic, powders and mixtures which can be purchased at vegetarian markets and independent health stores. The reported success rates are mixed at best, but if you do go down this road, make sure that what you purchase and ingest is safe. Make sure you are dealing with a reputable brand. These types of pills and powders are not regulated by the FDA, remember, so the impetus is on the consumer to do their due diligence.
3) Lifestyle Adjustments - Steering clear of the lifestyle elements which can help cause Tinnitus - for instance, stress and loud noises - will also serve you well in attempting to treat it.
4) Blood Pressure Medication - There have been somewhat consistent reports of the symptoms of Tinnitus easing for people after they begin taking blood pressure medication. However, this could also be attributed to an overall decrease in stress levels.

5) Anti-Depressants - Although this hearkens back to the time when much of the medical profession dismissed Tinnitus as a mental illness, and so is an unpalatable solution for some, tricyclic anti-depressants have made some decent headway with the condition. Some examples of anti-depressants which have shown decent results are Nortriptyline and benzodiazepines.
3d animation6) Magnesium or Zinc Supplements - There is no empirical data to support the effectiveness of magnesium or zinc supplements, but there is anecdotal evidence as to their effectiveness.
7) Ginko Biloba - Like magnesium and zinc supplements, there are proponents of ginko biloba who say that it worked wonders for their cases of Tinnitus. However, there has never been a study performed, let alone an academic double blind study, so there is no hard evidence to back that up. Moreover, there is also a lot of anecdotal evidence from people who state that ginko biloba did nothing to help them.
8) Acupuncture - Acupuncture has been reported to have immediate dissipating effects on the ringing and buzzing in the ears of Tinnitus sufferers, and, in some cases, these effects have been long lasting - possibly due to a decrease in overall stress. There are some drawbacks, however. First of all, the Acupuncture must be continued for the relief to continue. Also, the idea of needles being stuck into their body is frightening to some people. Lastly, particularly if you are not from a metro area, it can be quite difficult to find a qualified and reputable acupuncturist.
9) Hypnosis - Again, hypnosis joins the ranks of the other treatments on the list which are supported by anecdotal success stories but not by any hard scientific proof. It makes sense that hypnosis would work as a Tinnitus treatment by addressing the underlying stress root cause, but there is no hard proof that there is any more to it than that.
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10) Therapy - Cognitive therapy (in the common parlance, "talk therapy") is recommended for people dealing with Tinnitus to help deal with the emotional fallout of the condition. Some people experience emotional turmoil so severe that, combined with near complete lack of sleep, it can drive them almost to the point of psychotic break. And since stress is actually one of the triggers for Tinnitus, this of course only makes the ringing and buzzing louder, which in turn feeds the emotional turmoil even more - turning the whole thing into a viscious cycle.
You might be thinking that it seems as if none of the traditional Tinnitus treatments are completely effective. That's absolutely correct, as it happens. All of the treatments have varying levels of effect for different individuals, but each of them does have some success behind it.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Tinnitus Control

Tinnitus Control Review - Ear Ringing Relief

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If your doctor has diagnosed you with Tinnitus and said that you will be on medication forever and that you cannot be comfortable than they have not heard about Tinnitus Control and what it can do for you. This is an all natural formula that will be able to stop the ringing in your ears as well as the other symptoms that you may be experiencing as well. It is your chance to be able to get your life back on track.
1. Homeopathy Is The Way.
By going with an all natural remedy you are going to be able to help yourself so that you do not need to suffer and you will not have to worry about negative side effects to go along with it. By going all natural with Tinnitus Control, you will not have to fear about putting bad chemicals into your body which can cause you problems now or even later on down the road.
2. Spray It Away.
One of the best things about using the Tinnitus Control is that you can spray a few squirts under tongue and be on your way. This simple little step is going to be able to keep the ringing at bay at well as not having control over your equilibrium. You don't have to take any pills all you need to do is spray right into your mouth to have the freedom each and every day from your symptoms all the time.
3. Gain Control.
If you have been dreaming about the day that you can get your life back so that you can go where you want, be able to drive or just walk down the sidewalk without the fear of pain or falling over than you have come to the right place at the right time. With Tinnitus Control, you are going to be able to gain that control back once again and live the life that you have been missing out on. Stop sitting on the side lines waiting for an answer when you have finally found the one that is an answer to your prayers and then some.
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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Cure Tinnitus

Cure Tinnitus - See How Easily You Can Cure Tinnitus?

3d animationIs there any real cure for tinnitus at present? People who have tinnitus are desperate to hear that there is a cure for tinnitus. Unfortunately there is no real cure for tinnitus at present through drugs and medication. It would be frustrating for you to hear this. But why go for drugs and medication for cure if you can cure tinnitus naturally? Yes, tinnitus can be cured naturally. Natural treatment is the way to do it. Now-a-days there are many natural remedies available for sufferers from tinnitus. This article will help you know more about the natural treatments and therapies which can effectively end your suffering from tinnitus.
Natural treatment can be homeopathic tinnitus treatments, herbal treatments, vitamin based therapies. It can also be a combination of all the above treatments based on the root cause of the tinnitus. Homeopathy is an effective and a powerful natural treatment for tinnitus which has been around for many years. But it is specific to every person. It provides 6C remedies to control tinnitus. Salicylic acidum, Carbonium sulphuratum, Chininum sulphuricum, Kali iodatum, Hydrastis and Aurum are the 6C remedies depending upon the various causes of the tinnitus. The homeopathic preparation would cause the symptoms in a healthy person that it will cure in a sick person. Now we can see about the herbal treatments for curing tinnitus.
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Natural herbal treatments are also effective in curing tinnitus. Gingko biloba, sesame seeds, Chinese herbs, black cohosh, spinach, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds are some of the herbs used for treating tinnitus depending upon the root causes which actually effected tinnitus. There are also herbs which aggravate tinnitus namely cinchona, black haw and uva ursi. So herbal treatments for tinnitus must be carried out under the observation of a qualified herbal physician. Other than homeopathy and herbal treatments, tinnitus can also be cured by some specified foods.
Tinnitus can be the result of poor diet. Intake of vitamin rich foods will help in providing more nutrients for tinnitus sufferers. These vitamin rich foods will increase the condition of immune system levels. This in turn helps in curing tinnitus due to better health. Vitamin A, B, E and Zinc rich food items helps in curing tinnitus. Some food items can also aggravate tinnitus. For some individuals, caffeine and excess salt can also cause noise in ears.
Even though there are many natural treatments available many people do not know them because they are not marketed effectively. But these natural treatments help in curing tinnitus than the drugs and medication provided by ENT specialists.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Tinnitus Acupuncture

Tinnitus Acupuncture - Will it Work For You?

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Right now, there are literally millions of people in the world needlessly suffering from the effects of tinnitus. Most of these people don't have a clue as to where to turn for help. Fortunately, there are various treatment options available, both conventional and alternative. Tinnitus acupuncture is one alternative method that has been around for centuries. The big question is: "Will it work for you?"
Most people are familiar with the basic principles behind the technique involved in acupuncture or tinnitus acupuncture as the insertion of very thin needles into the skin along energy points known as meridians.
The theory behind tinnitus acupuncture is a complicated one and is more involved than just sticking needles into the skin. The procedure should therefore be performed only by someone certified in acupuncture. Always be sure to check their credentials and ask questions before you begin treatment.
If you speak to a tinnitus acupuncture specialist, he may tell you that tinnitus is a symptom caused by a disruption in the yin and yang cycle. Yin represents water or the body's cooling system. The fire energy of the body is represented by Yang.
The acupuncturist may, as part of his initial assessment, observe the patient's pulse and appearance of his/her tongue. The pulse gives the practitioner information relating to the energy condition as it pertains to the body's meridians or energy channels that run along the body. The appearance of the tongue is an indicator of the body's heat, balance of fluid, and digestion. This information will be used as a diagnostic tool and incorporated into the plan of care.
As part of the treatment, very thin needles are inserted into the skin at very specific sites. The circumference of the needle is 10 times thinner than most needles used for standard injections, therefore the treatment itself is virtually painless. Sometimes the practitioner may apply various Chinese herbs to the needles.
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The ultimate goal for many tinnitus sufferers is relief from their symptoms. The big question is, "Is this an effective treatment for tinnitus? Will tinnitus acupuncture work for you? Find out more by following the link below.

Friday, December 2, 2011

High Pitched Ringing in Ears

How to Treat High Pitched Ringing in Ear - Easy Methods For Reducing Loud Noisy in Your Ear

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Sometimes, especially after being exposed to really loud music, you experience a discomfort in your ear that can only be described as a constant, high-pitched ringing. This is called tinnitus. Generally speaking, tinnitus is an ear disorder characterized by sound heard within the ear (or both ears) even in the absence of outside noise. It varies in severity, with some cases needing no treatment at all (as in the case mentioned) while others requiring immediate medical assistance.
The question of how to treat high pitched ringing in ear can readily be addressed by doing minor research, but it is always wise to consult your physician first before self-medicating. The need to be cautious stems from the fact that tinnitus is often but a symptom of a more serious condition that you might already have. If this is the case, then treatment of tinnitus only comes second to cure of the disease that is causing it. If, however, tinnitus is not a sign of anything life-threatening, there are a lot of remedies one can apply to reduce the ringing sound you hear.
Currently there are no approved drugs yet that can be administered to tinnitus-afflicted patients. There are, however, a good number of guides on how to treat high pitched ringing in ear. Most of these recommend methods that can be classified into herbal remedies, home remedies, and forms of therapy - all of which are either very easy to do or are very accessible. You can choose among tried and tested (and not so tried and tested) herbs to fight tinnitus; just make sure you know what is causing you to hear that high pitched ringing in your ear. Not into herbal medicine? You can opt for white noise masking, which simply means covering up the irritating sound with anything that is pleasing to your ears; or you can meditate - a form of therapy that not only relieves you of stress, but can likewise relieve you of tinnitus.
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Thursday, December 1, 2011

Ringing Ear

Ringing Ear or Tinnitus - Natural Treatment Methods

3d animationRinging ear or tinnitus is a relatively common symptom that affects a lot of people. It must be understood that tinnitus is not really an illness or a medical condition but rather a symptom or manifestation of an underlying problem. There are many known causes of tinnitus and the severity vary from mild, moderate to severe. Treatment options are also available which aim to relieve the bothersome and disturbing symptom which tends to affect the person involved throughout the day and even at night.
The term "ringing ear" is the most common way of describing tinnitus. Affected individuals characterize the sensation as hissing, ringing or loud pitched. It is primarily due to damage in the inner, middle or outer ear as well as the tiny hair-like projections within the ear that act as sensory receptors. Causes of tinnitus include prolonged exposure to heavy noise, obstruction to the ears due to excessive ear wax, stress and anxiety, side effects of some medications like aspirin, colds and viral infection and old age among many others. Treatment varies depending upon the patient's case. There are also innovative and advanced treatment procedures that aim to help people manage tinnitus better such as Tinnitus Retraining Therapy or TRT. Although this is one of the most promising treatment options to consider, the therapy itself lasts for one to two years.
For those who prefer to try natural methods first in treating their ringing ear or tinnitus, it is best to determine the cause of the problem. Consulting an ear, nose and throat (ENT) doctor is highly recommended to get an accurate diagnosis. If the cause is secondary to prolonged exposure to heavy noise, then it is best to avoid being exposed to the same environment again to prevent further damage to the ears. If the tinnitus is secondary to side effects of some medications, then it is best to have this addressed by the doctor for possible adjustment of dosage or change in the drug of choice. There are many other causes to consider and the most effective treatment or management is the one that directly addresses the diagnosis or the one that is most focused to the problem.
There are some cases of ringing ear or tinnitus which have unknown causes. Experts suggest intake of magnesium supplement preferably 500-1000mg as well as Gingko Biloba which has properties that help increase blood circulation. Some also suggest diet and lifestyle modifications. It is best to cut down on certain kinds of foods such as salty foods, too much of dairy products and foods that are high in sugar content; caffeine, tea and alcohol; processed foods, fatty foods and foods that are high in saturated fats. It is also best to have a diet that contains a lot of quality protein and to increase intake of fresh fruits and vegetables.
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Stress and anxiety are also known as common causes of ringing ear or tinnitus. In such cases, it is best for the patient to learn how to perform meditation exercises and relaxation techniques. Those who have sedentary lifestyle must initiate an exercise regimen to release the stress. The treatment is focused on achieving wellness. Other suggested methods to treat tinnitus secondary to stress and anxiety are psychotherapy exercises, yoga and deep breathing.
Tinnitus Control is an all-natural homeopathic solution for tinnitus suffers. Tinnitus Control relieves the symptoms of tinnitus and helps stop the constant ringing in ears.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Tinnitus Remedy

Tinnitus Home Remedies - The Best Tinnitus Home Remedies of All Worlds

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Tinnitus refers to a condition in which a sound seems to originate within the ears even though there are no external noises around. Tinnitus is not considered a disease, but rather a symptom of another underlying condition. So it can be assumed that tinnitus is a blessing in disguise. It helps us to detect the underlying infection or disease before it aggravates. Once the cause is found the treatments are easy. There are various treatments for tinnitus due to various causes for ringing in the ears. But some treatments can aggravate tinnitus. So the best solutions are some home remedies for tinnitus which are effective in controlling ringing in the ears. Some of the tinnitus home remedies are discussed below:

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Loud noises can aggravate tinnitus. So avoid exposure to loud noises in traffic and in other public places. In case of unavoidable situations use ear plugs which help in controlling the decibel of noise entering the ears.
You diet is one of the best tinnitus home remedies. Make your diet simple with fewer spices added to it. Reduce your intake of sugar, salt and saturated fats. Avoid tea and coffee, as it will increase the pain. Include lot of green vegetables and fresh fruits. This will improve your immune system and reduces your tinnitus sufferings. Chewing dry fruits helps enhance the blood circulation, thereby acting beneficially in solving tinnitus.
Daily exercising will keep you physically and mentally fit. This will also regulate your blood pressure and thus prevent tinnitus from occurring. Avoid taking drugs unless they have been specifically prescribed by your doctor. Some of the drugs may aggravate tinnitus.
Practicing yoga is yet another tinnitus home remedy. It increases the GABA level in our body which in turn reduces ringing in the ears.
In night turn on your radio and detune it to some signal and place it besides you while sleeping. It will help you in neutralizing the inner noise. This is an effective tinnitus home remedy.

These are some of the effective tinnitus home remedies which will help you in overcoming ringing in the ears without any side effects or after effects. Other than all these tinnitus home remedies there is also a powerful technique which is in practice now. This technique controls ringing in the ears effectively. The person suffering from tinnitus should do this 40-50 times everyday. It's called ear drumming technique. In this the person has to close both his ears with his palm such that fingers are exactly behind the skull.  Now you have to place the index finger over the middle finger. Then force the index finger to slide over the middle finger and land on the bottom of the skull. It causes a drumming sound. This is an effective tinnitus home remedy. To know more about this technique and other tinnitus home remedies, take a look at the resource referred below.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

How to Cure Tinnitus

How To Cure Tinnitus - Choose Only The Best Cures!

3d animationThere are many forms of tinnitus, but knowing how to cure tinnitus is not as simple as going to a doctor. Regardless of how severe your tinnitus is, there are methods available which will allow you to learn to live with the condition and also, how to reduce tinnitus.
One of the main problems, when suffering with tinnitus, is trying to get to sleep or relax and many people find that silence can be quite deafening. At night time when all is quiet, more focus is given to the sounds commonly associated with tinnitus and can deeply affect the individual, leading to a vicious cycle of the inability to sleep and relax and increased stress levels. Following are some very effective methods that will explain how to cure tinnitus.
Sound Replacement
In order to remove focus from tinnitus on to other more comforting sounds, it is useful to have a fan or some other environmental noise in the background when you are trying to sleep. Some people find it useful to leave the television or radio on at night, as the sound supersedes the buzzing and ringing of the tinnitus, allowing them to zone out and fall asleep. For further relaxation, other available options on how to cure tinnitus involve playing soothing CD's such as whale and birdsong, which will provide a duel function of blotting out the tinnitus and gently relaxing the mind.
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Sometimes, tinnitus can be the result of tense muscles, stress and bad circulation. So another tip on how to cure tinnitus is to get plenty of exercise which will help keep blood circulating at an optimum rate and build up muscle tone. The increase in physical activity will also help to reduce stress and promote natural fatigue, allowing the body to relax and help you to drift off to sleep. Additional exercise is also beneficial if you are overweight or obese, which has also been linked to tinnitus.
How To Cure Tinnitus By Changing Your Lifestyle
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There are many lifestyle factors which can enhance the intensity of tinnitus making the condition far worse than it needs to be. If you suffer from allergies and sinus problems, try to avoid allergens wherever possible, such as keeping the home dust free, staying indoors when the pollen count is high, avoiding food and drink which contain high levels of sulphates and other preservatives, such as wine, beer and foods with artificial flavors and colors, especially mono-sodiumtglutamate, (MSG).
Underlying Ear Conditions

Tinnitus is usually the result of an existing problem of condition of the ear. Getting the underlying problem treated can sometimes eliminate tinnitus altogether as tinnitus is simply a symptom of the ear condition. Some cases of tinnitus have been reported to be caused by a buildup of ear wax, blocking and impairing hearing. Many people who have suffered from tinnitus for years figured out how to cure tinnitus by getting the initial ailment treated.
Finally, tinnitus can be reduced by simply looking after ear health, keeping the ears clean and avoiding loud noise whenever possible. If you have suffered previously or currently suffer with tinnitus, make sure to avoid causal factors and use protective ear wear when necessary.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Ringing of The Ears

What Causes Ringing Of The Ears

3d animationMany people suffer from the annoyance of a ringing sensation in their ears, and they can find no solution to what the problem is. There are numerous causes for the ringing sensation people hear and the problem can actually become serious if it is not treated. In order to know how to treat the ringing problem, it is important to understand what causes ears to ring in the first place.
Tinnitus is the medical term for ringing in the ears. There are two classifications of tinnitus, Objective Tinnitus and Subjective Tinnitus.
Objective Tinnitus:
Objective tinnitus is the name given a ringing in the ears that cannot only be heard by the person suffering from it, but also by someone listening to the sounds of the body usually with the aid of a stethoscope. This faint but perceptible noise is usually caused by turbulent blood flow within the blood vessels. The sufferer may hear a whooshing, gushing or even possibly a clicking sound pulsating in time with the person's heartbeat. Some serious, potentially lethal conditions can cause this kind of tinnitus, such as an aneurysm or dissection of the carotid artery.
Subjective Tinnitus:
Subjective tinnitus is the most common type of tinnitus people experience. Subjective tinnitus is when the ringing sound can only be heard by the person suffering from tinnitus. There are a number of causes of subjective tinnitus, but sometimes, subjective tinnitus happens to a person for no obvious reason, similar to the way hearing loss happens to older people.
If you are suffering from tinnitus, you may want to consider these factors when determining what causes ears to ring.
Damage to the Head or Eardrums:
When someone experiences neck or head trauma, there is the chance that the eardrums may be damaged. If the eardrums are damaged, the middle ear is usually the source of the ringing sound.
Loud Noises:
Some of the most common causes of tinnitus are loud noises. The source of these loud noises can encompass everything from listening to loud music, shooting off firearms, to working in an environment that is excessively loud. Loud noises can damage the eardrum, which results in the ringing sound known as tinnitus. There are tiny hairs inside the cochlea in our ears. These tiny hairs pick up noise vibrations that surround us, convert the vibrations into electrical pulses and send the electrical pulses to our brain to be interpreted into sound. Excessively loud noise tends to damage these little hairs. Once damaged, random signals are sent to the brain, even though no actual noise is present, and the brain interprets these random sounds as the ringing you hear.
Sinus Congestion:
3d animationMany people who experience tinnitus also suffer from sinus problems. The medications taken to relieve sinus congestion have been known to cause ringing in the ears. The chemicals in the drugs that work to kill the bacteria that are causing the sinus problems can cause the mucus in the nose and ears to thicken creating pressure within the middle ear. Once the pressure builds, the person will begin to hear noises that are associated with tinnitus.

There are a number of drugs such as antiviral, chemotherapy, antibiotics, analgesics, diuretics that can affect the inner ear and cause tinnitus. If you are taking medication and you experience tinnitus, you should consult your doctor to ensure that it is not the cause of your tinnitus.
Meniere's Disease
Meniere's Disease is a disorder of the inner ear, that can cause pressure to built up within the ear. Those suffering from Meniere's Disease may experience vertigo, nausea, dizziness, and a ringing sensation in their ears.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Ear Ringing Cure

How to Cure Ear Ringing

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If you've been dealing with ear ringing and you're not quite sure what the cause is, this is a very important article for you to read. Ringing in the ear, among other symptoms could be caused by a condition called Tinnitus. In fact, you may be experiencing other symptoms that you don't recognize or think are part of another condition - such as a common cold or the flu. If you're sick of the ear ringing and you want to find a way to cure it, here is some more information that may help you out.
What is Tinnitus?
Tinnitus is a condition which affects millions of people worldwide. Caused by a number of different things, Tinnitus usually causes a wide range of symptoms, from ear ringing and headache to nausea, vomiting, insomnia, dizziness, lack of appetite and even depression. These symptoms can also differ in severity from one person to the other - they may be mild for some while debilitating for others. Take some time to think about symptoms you've experienced lately - even if you thought they were connected to a cold, the flu or something else. Write them down for use in determining your condition and curing ear ringing.
What Should I Do?
If you feel you may have Tinnitus, one of the first things you should do is make an appointment to visit your doctor. Let him or her know the kinds of symptoms you've been experiencing and the severity of those symptoms. Also, if you've ever experienced trauma to the ear or a serious infection - let your physician know that as well. He or she may need to do a few different exams and perform some tests in order to determine if you're really suffering from Tinnitus. Also, be prepared to answer a load of questions that your doctor will need answered to help them diagnose you correctly.
Treatment for Tinnitus -
Once you've been diagnosed with Tinnitus, you will want to seek treatment. There are a number of treatment options for those who suffer with Tinnitus, from prescription drugs to holistic treatments. If you don't want to risk prescription medications which may have potentially dangerous side effects, you can consider holistic treatments or herbal treatments which have been proven to relieve or eliminate the symptoms of Tinnitus. Ginko Biloba has been proven to be helpful for treating Tinnitus, relieving symptoms of ear ringing and more. A few other herbal treatments for Tinnitus include Black Cohosh, Periwinkle, Goldenseal and Zinc.
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In fact, Zinc deficiency has been associated with a number of hearing and ear conditions, including Tinnitus. By researching holistic and herbal treatments, you may find something to help you cure the ringing in your ears and feel much better. Tinnitus symptoms can be very difficult to deal with and can cause extreme pain, irritation and even depression. By determining whether you are really dealing with Tinnitus or not, you can start the process of dealing with the symptoms and feeling better.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Lipoflavonoid Tinnitus

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Lipoflavonoid: Tinnitus Remedy or Not?


Executive summery About Lipoflavonoid Tinnitus by Graig Miller

Lipoflavonoid and Tinnitus
Back in 1961, a company came up with the perfect solution to combat the signs of tinnitus: the name was Lipoflavonoid tinnitus. For people who have been experiencing tinnitus for a long time, this could be the answer to their prayers. If people think this is the wonder drug, it is not. This is merely a dietary supplement that has been found to help people get rid of the constant ringing of the ears. Many people wonder if the product does work against tinnitus and is it capable of helping people who are suffering from the said condition. There are a lot of testimonials that could be found online and many tinnitus sufferers may have stumbled upon it by accident or through the recommendation of other people who have tried Lipoflavonoid before.

Tinnitus due to Meniere's Disease
Lipoflavonoid is basically produced for people suffering tinnitus due to Meniere's disease. The disease is one that involves the inner ear, and is defined as a disorder that causes vertigo, tinnitus, and a feeling of pressure or fullness in the ear. There are also bouts of on and off hearing loss. A typical attack of the said condition could be forewarned by a feeling of fullness in one ear. There could also be tinnitus or hearing loss. A person may then have a severe episode of vertigo (where everything around seems to spin), imbalance, nausea and vomiting. Studies say that such attacks last around 2 to 4 hours. When people suffer from severe attacks, they are usually exhausted right after and should rest or sleep for hours.

Since Lipoflavonoid is a dietary supplement, how is it supposed to help people suffering from ringing of the ears? The formula of Lipoflavonoid consists of a mixture of certain vitamins such as vitamin B12, eriodictyol glycoside, vitamin C, choline, niacin, and many more. These vitamins are said to help people get rid of the ringing in their ears due to Meniere's disease. People who have used Lipoflavonoid say that they have found something that could help relieve symptoms of tinnitus. It has also been found out that for people who have a deficiency in vitamin B12 and at the same time have Meniere's, this product could help them to get rid of the unwanted sound in the ears. The vitamins that the product has all help to improve the circulation in the inner ear. When there is improved circulation, the cells could perform better as they get the needed oxygen and nutrients.

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However, as much as Lipoflavonoid helps those who have tinnitus due to Meniere's disease, there has been little proof that it could help people who have tinnitus due to other causes (noise-induced damage, excessive use of medications). Due to this, people who have Meniere's may find the product helpful but for those who do not suffer from the condition but also have tinnitus may not find the product as helpful. This is one waterloo that the product has, based on different studies.

Lipoflavonoid and Free Radicals
There have been studies that showed the products' ability to fight free radicals. Free radicals are organic molecules that roam around the body and speed up the process of aging and tissue damage. These free radicals are also said to contribute to the onset of many diseases. The use of Lipoflavonoid could help to deter these free radicals from causing such effects on the body, making the cells healthier and safe from external factors. The elements in the product, which may have antioxidant properties, may help the body to fight off the free radicals, and thus keep the body healthier.

As a result, Lipoflavonoid may not necessarily be applicable for all people who have tinnitus. People who have Meniere's disease and have tinnitus could use the product and may have the desired effects of reduced tinnitus. Tinnitus could be very uncomfortable and for those who have Meniere's, one less symptom could already do wonders for them. The product is not necessarily the cure, but it could help people who have the said condition to be relieved of the constant ringing of the ears. Free radicals could also be eliminated and vitamin deficiencies could also be addressed. Lipoflavonoid tinnitus could help people with Meniere's disease to get rid of the ringing of their ears.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Pulsating Tinnitus

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Pulsating Tinnitus - What Exactly Causes Pulsatile Tinnitus


Executive summery About Pulsating Tinnitus by Christopher Adams

What is pulsatile tinnitus- pulsating tinnitus? Very little is actually explained to the people about tinnitus. The only thing which everyone commonly comes to know is its symptoms. Most of the people do not know about the actual causes of this pulsating tinnitus. Many people also come to a perception that there are no cures for tinnitus. So I would like to list some of the major and minor causes of the tinnitus. This article could help people know more about the causes of pulsating tinnitus which could easily help people in prevention and cure.

Pulsating tinnitus is a ringing sound that you alone seem to hear in the absence of any real noise around. In simple, it the sounds of your own pulse, heart beat or even your blood flow which causes the ringing sound in your ears. Tinnitus may be objective tinnitus or subjective tinnitus. Objective tinnitus is the one which can be heard by other people. Its not common but its easy to treat. Subjective tinnitus is the most common around and it will not be easy to treat unless we figure out the exact cause of the tinnitus. Now we can go in detail about the causes of tinnitus.

The majority of tinnitus sufferers have somehow damaged the delicate structures of the inner ear. It's called chronic inflammation. This inflammation causes increased blood flow to the damaged tissue, which is present in the ear. This blood flow causes the ringing sound or tinnitus. Then a patulous Eustachian tube, in which the Eustachian tube remains intermittently open, causing an echoing sound of the person's own heartbeat, breathing, and speech. The Eustachian tube is present behind the middle ear is the major reason for tinnitus, when it is damaged or infected. When this tube is infected or damaged, a fluid is accumulated in the air filled space in middle ear. This causes pulsating tinnitus.

Sinus problems also lead to pulsating tinnitus. When a person takes in excess of antibiotics it causes thickening of the mucous in the inner ear. This mucous has to drain out through the Eustachian tubes. But the mucous has become too thick to drain out through the narrow tubes. Thyroid Dysfunction also causes pulsatile tinnitus. In a particular dysfunction Hyperthyroidism, causes increased faster heart beats. This in turn causes pulsating noise. Some other causes of tinnitus may be due to stress, side effects caused by prescribed drugs, tumors in the middle ear etc. These are some of the common causes of pulsating tinnitus. There are other causes of tinnitus but its occurrence is very less.
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So now you would have got some idea about the causes of tinnitus. Pulsating tinnitus is not a disease by itself. It is the side effect or the after effect of the other malfunctions in our body. Finding the root cause of pulsating tinnitus is the difficult part. If its done the cure will be easy.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Ringing In The Ears Treatment

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Ringing In The Ears Treatment Options That Work


Executive summery About Ringing In The Ears Treatment by Rachel M Grant

Tinnitus is not deadly. However, it is an annoying thing to live with. The buzzing, swishing or any other sounds are nonstop day in and day out. It can be hard to concentrate on certain things and tasks that need to be accomplished. Ringing in the ears treatment has to be taken to eliminate the problem.
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Technically, tinnitus is not really a disease or illness of any kind. It is nothing more than a mere symptom of many other possibilities. The thing is it is not limited to a number of medical conditions. It can be a symptom of something as simple as problems in the blood circulation to serious cases such as hearing problems and eardrum-related issues.

Since it is a symptom, the ultimate way to eliminate tinnitus is to cure the person of the disease causing the said symptom. Nasal allergies, for instance, may come hand in hand with a case of tinnitus. Treating the allergies does not only free one from the itchiness that comes with it but also gets rid of the constant buzzing in the ears if the case of tinnitus is indeed caused by the allergies.

There are different cases of tinnitus affecting the general population. They come in various sounds and of varied loudness levels. Some are merely annoying while others can be really painful. These differences can be attributed to the different medical conditions causing the sound in the ears.

Knowing the causes is important in determining the ringing in the ears treatment to make use of. Because there are a lot of possible causes behind a case of tinnitus, it is best to stick with the treatment process that functions according to what is the problem with the person experiencing the buzzing in the ears condition.

For tinnitus caused by mere blood flow constrictions, the easiest and most effective answers come in the form of essence oils. Four of the most used and trusted ones are rose, rosemary, lemon and cypress oils. They can simply be used as aromatherapy diffuser, vaporizer or for massaging the head and neck areas. Herbs such as Ginkgo Biloba have the ability to improve blood circulation in the head, neck and ears as well.

Another way to treat tinnitus is homeopathy. This basically involves treating like with like. Anything taken by a healthy person in small doses that cause a specific symptom can actually be used against that symptom simply by increasing the amount of dosage one takes in of the same substance.

A natural treatment that works for a lot of illnesses and works for tinnitus as well is acupuncture. This option coming from the Far East involves the use of really thin needles that are placed at the different pressure points in the body. However, people should never easily trust anyone offering acupuncture. This is a sensitive procedure only professional practitioners should do.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Tinnitus Cures

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Tinnitus Cures - Don't Suffer When There Are Tinnitus Cures Available


Executive summery About tinnitus cures by Melanie Young

When your ears are ringing but nobody hears it, then you most probably have tinnitus. You need some tinnitus cures fast because you cannot stand the whooshing and ringing in your ears. Do not suffer this unpleasant symptom any longer because there are tinnitus treatments available. Cures include alternative therapies which are fast becoming popular in treating or managing tinnitus.


Tinnitus cures making use of aromatherapy include a massage therapy utilizing aromatic herbs. The oils of these herbs are massaged deeply into the muscles and are allowed to sink in through the senses. This will induce a restful state and will relax the person. Finding a qualified aromatherapy practitioner close to where you live can present a challenge, but still, don't simply jump for the first aromatherapist you run across. Talk to family, friends, look at online listings like Craigslist, search the internet, and even the local paper. But one thing is certain - don't waste your money or time if you can't determine how professional your aromatherapy professional actually is!

Acupuncture is one of the tinnitus cures that the Western World is slowly assimilating into their treatment modalities. This involves making use of needles to place on designated spots or meridians in the body. These meridian points are responsible for the proper function of the different body parts. An expert should perform this procedure because it involves pricking the vital areas of the body. They need to be licensed and reputable. This becomes even more important than with the hypnotherapist, because - since the procedure involved puncturing your skin with needles - there is so much more risk of an averse reaction when the acupuncture is administered, or even afterward.
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Continuing on a variation on a theme, only a certified expert should perform hypnosis. This is because it is one of the alternative tinnitus cures that involves mind intervention. Mind intervention can disturb an already mentally imbalanced person, and can even worsen the existing condition. Therefore, you need someone that is not only experience and qualified in hypnosis, but also has some experience with, and an understanding of, tinnitus. If they don't possess that basic understanding, working with them becomes very dangerous.

Before initiation of these alternative treatments, you should consult your family physician first. Tinnitus cures should occur in congruence with any existing treatments you are undergoing. This is the reason why you should have the clearance if your doctor who knows all about your medical history.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Ringing in My Ears

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How to Get Rid of Ringing in My Ears


Executive summery About ringing in my ears by Ruimin Huang

First, you may want to know what tinnitus is. You have to know more about tinnitus right before you look for possible way on how one can get rid of ringing in ear. When you are suffering from tinnitus, you will surely experience difficulty in getting enough sleep and relaxation, because of ringing sound that you can hear within your ears. You have to know that 10% of the world population are suffering from tinnitus and these people are leaning how they can get rid of this situation and live a normal life. It is not true that tinnitus is not curable. There are possible treatments for this condition that can lead to buzzing ad ringing free life. You have to be aware that there are ways on how you can eliminate ringing in ears out of your life. Some of it is very effective, but there are some that is not effective in treating the buzzing sound.

One of the most common treatments that many tinnitus sufferers used is hypnosis. This treatment is very popular because according to patient who undergone hypnosis, it eliminates the buzzing sound that they hear within their ears. There are lots of different programs available for tinnitus sufferers who want to undergo hypnosis. There is no wrong in trying alternative treatment for this illness, because there are no side effects recorded with the use of hypnosis. You do not have to resort in a surgery right away, if you can try alternative means. All sufferers want to get rid of ringing in ears as fast as possible, but you do not have to decide for surgery right away.

If the ear ringing is disturbing your sleep a night, it is better t leave an electric fan on to cover up for the ringing and buzzing sound that you hear within your ear. You may also left radio or soft music on whenever you want to get sleep or relax. The sound coming from outside environment can drown out the hissing sound that irritates you. This will make you create a better sleep and forget about tinnitus. There are a lot of risks involve when it comes to surgery, so as much as possible it is better to avoid surgery and try all possible alternative means to get rid of the ringing sounds within your ears. Seek your doctor's advice and take some test to find out your health condition. It is better to detect the root cause if this sound as quickly as possible.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Cure for Tinnitus

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Cure Tinnitus - See How Easily You Can Cure Tinnitus?


Executive summery About Cure for Tinnitus by John Currie

Is there any real cure for tinnitus at present? People who have tinnitus are desperate to hear that there is a cure for tinnitus. Unfortunately there is no real cure for tinnitus at present through drugs and medication. It would be frustrating for you to hear this. But why go for drugs and medication for cure if you can cure tinnitus naturally? Yes, tinnitus can be cured naturally. Natural treatment is the way to do it. Now-a-days there are many natural remedies available for sufferers from tinnitus. This article will help you know more about the natural treatments and therapies which can effectively end your suffering from tinnitus.

Natural treatment can be homeopathic tinnitus treatments, herbal treatments, vitamin based therapies. It can also be a combination of all the above treatments based on the root cause of the tinnitus. Homeopathy is an effective and a powerful natural treatment for tinnitus which has been around for many years. But it is specific to every person. It provides 6C remedies to control tinnitus. Salicylic acidum, Carbonium sulphuratum, Chininum sulphuricum, Kali iodatum, Hydrastis and Aurum are the 6C remedies depending upon the various causes of the tinnitus. The homeopathic preparation would cause the symptoms in a healthy person that it will cure in a sick person. Now we can see about the herbal treatments for curing tinnitus.

Natural herbal treatments are also effective in curing tinnitus. Gingko biloba, sesame seeds, Chinese herbs, black cohosh, spinach, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds are some of the herbs used for treating tinnitus depending upon the root causes which actually effected tinnitus. There are also herbs which aggravate tinnitus namely cinchona, black haw and uva ursi. So herbal treatments for tinnitus must be carried out under the observation of a qualified herbal physician. Other than homeopathy and herbal treatments, tinnitus can also be cured by some specified foods.
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Tinnitus can be the result of poor diet. Intake of vitamin rich foods will help in providing more nutrients for tinnitus sufferers. These vitamin rich foods will increase the condition of immune system levels. This in turn helps in curing tinnitus due to better health. Vitamin A, B, E and Zinc rich food items helps in curing tinnitus. Some food items can also aggravate tinnitus. For some individuals, caffeine and excess salt can also cause noise in ears.

Even though there are many natural treatments available many people do not know them because they are not marketed effectively. But these natural treatments help in curing tinnitus than the drugs and medication provided by ENT specialists.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Tinnitus Support

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Tinnitus Support Groups


Executive summery About Tinnitus Support by John Currie

Many people have found the road to helping themselves lies in helping others. This is very true in the case of tinnitus. Sometimes a person just needs to know that they are not alone and that there is someone else out there who knows that they are going through.

In fact, this is so important that it is often the first step for treatment for many people. Some people never knew treatment options existed until meeting someone else who has been there. So many people give up hope, thinking that they will just have to learn to live with their condition. Others have been told this by their doctors.

Some tinnitus sufferers have been pushed to the brink of suicide and others have been abandoned by their friends and family who didn't know how to deal with their condition. Some people try to self-medicate with drugs and alcohol which leads to more problems.

However, all across the world, tinnitus sufferers and their friends and families are coming together to help one another. These people are forming support groups, both in their communities and online, to reach out to other people with tinnitus and show them that they are not alone and that help does exist.

Sometimes you have to experience something for yourself before you can ever truly understand what a person is going through. Sometimes you need the help or advice from someone who's been there before you. Sometimes you just need a shoulder to lean on for moral support.

These are all the things that a great tinnitus support group can give you and as the knowledge about tinnitus increases, so do the numbers of support groups we see appearing. This is a great milestone in the field of tinnitus recovery because people are learning to find hope again. The word is spreading that there are other options than just living with your tinnitus as it is.
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If you'd like to participate in a support group as a mentor or someone who has overcome their problem with tinnitus, you can be motivation to someone else just learning that help exists. If you've just been diagnosed with tinnitus or just learned that you're not alone, these tinnitus support groups are a great place for you to come for a helping hand and an understanding ear to listen to your fears.

If you don't get out much or fear you won't have the time to visit a support group, that's okay as well because there are even online tinnitus support groups so people from all over the world can come together with a shared cause.

If you'd like to know more about forming a tinnitus support group in your community contact the American Tinnitus Association at 1-800-634-8978. If you live outside of the US, look for the contact information for your national tinnitus foundation. This could be one of the best things you ever do for yourself.